torsdag 6 januari 2011

Todays prayer

Prayer for 6/1:

"I want to thank You Lord for today is the day of salvation! I want to thank You Jesus for what You´ve done in our lives, for days to come and days thats gone! Hallelujah! Lord I praise You. Youre so incredibly good to us! Thank You for salvation! Thank You for life! Thank You, that we may serve You! Thanks that we can expect great things from You Lord, the Creator of the universe, who see us all! It´s so great! It´s so inconceivably! It´s so wonderful! God I thank You! Today I want to pray for them who hasn´t met You! I ask of their salvation. I ask of their healing of both spirit, body and soul. I ask You Lord of light and peace in their lives. Only You can give it to them! Lord, I thank You for hearing my prayer. In the holy Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!"

"Have a blessed day"


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